We spent several years living and working in Dubai. Whilst we really missed life "on the road" we enjoyed living in Dubai -especially when we were hugely excited to add some new travelling companians when we welcomed twin girls in August 2015. This was followed by 2 years living and working in Yantai a province in Shandong China. After this Andrew completed his contract in the UAE and in January 2019 we landed in the UK ready to begin our next big adventure.
Update 1st May 2013:
Whilst we are not travelling but back in the real world this website will be but a shadow of its former glory -or maybe I flatter myself and it'll be better without me droning on!
I just don't get the time to write up all we do and most of our travel now is sadly reduced to weekend trips which pass in the twinkling of an eye -so not much time to write them up here.
We often walk along the beach near where we live and this seems to be the parking spot of choice for European overlanders and we have met loads of them.
I find it a bit of a bitter sweet experience TBH -it's great to meet people and share their stories just it does bring home all we've lost! :((((
One such couple whom we must mention are Emil and Lillana both over 70 years old and from Switzerland they've travelled for 28 years over 172 countries! Please see www.weltrekordreise.ch or www.worldrecordtour.com
We often go "desert camping' with our Emiriti friends Qmasa and Mr. Rashid -all very high end with servants to cook and large tents/deluxe caravans -different to the old days!
We recently enjoyed a visit to Liwa the "real" desert -where Qmasa's family still own a lot of date plantations.
Lebanon was fantastic -has to be one of my favourite countries to date - so obviously the travel bug lives on! Beirut was fast paced and exciting and…… OMG …………………you could actually buy and drink a beer at a pavement café!!! -that's been a while!
We hired a car (CRAZY TRAFFCI!!! worst so far....seriously!!) and did a round trip down to Sidon & Tyre with ancient Souks and Roman ruins to the wineries of Zahle (including the world's oldest) to the Cedars skiing resorts to Byblos and the swanky harbourside café (Pepe's) once visited by the rich and famous -David Niven and Bridgette Bardot to give you a flavour -and now us! Great country -highly recommend it.
Watch this space for more trips to come ...but in the meantime it's back to work!